Given the Olympic fever and Michael Phelps becoming the most decorated Olympian in history it only seems appropriate that I would draw on a sports metaphor to help a client…
Local Kansas City Coaching News
Local Kansas City Coaches News for Coaches and non-coaches alike. Find out what is happening in Kansas City in the Coaching Profession. This month at your local Kansas City International…
Facebook has become my new BFF
Image via CrunchBase Has anyone asked themselves why Facebook is really so popular? I have as I work with clients to get them to understand the power that is…
Partnerships can help your Business
This month’s guest blog is written by Judy Bond. Judy is a Business Relationship Consultant. She works with small business owners helping them and their employees work more effectively as…
5 easy steps on how-to really outshine your competition with your social media advertising campaigns.
Image via Wikipedia Step One: Don’t ever tell your staff what your doing. It gives them the best opportunity to look totally stupid and leave your customers in…