Sometimes it’s hard to explain exactly what I do because what I do can encompass so many things with different clients. One of my main goals is to help business…
Partnerships can help your Business
This month’s guest blog is written by Judy Bond. Judy is a Business Relationship Consultant. She works with small business owners helping them and their employees work more effectively as…
Great Feedback from Small Business focused classes
Image via Wikipedia I'm getting awesome feedback from the classes I'm teaching on Small Business and Navigating the Internet. So much so that I've had to open up my…
Small Business Owners need to plan for the future by focusing on organic search
From a business perspective I think it is important that small business owners need to plan for the future and focus on organic search-ability rather than putting all your eggs…
5 easy steps on how-to really outshine your competition with your social media advertising campaigns.
Image via Wikipedia Step One: Don’t ever tell your staff what your doing. It gives them the best opportunity to look totally stupid and leave your customers in…