Yippee!!! My Kansas City, Missouri Coaching business became a popular place on Google Maps.
I now have this really cool sticker on the front door. I almost threw it away because I’m a home based business and I thought it was tacky. However, the letter that accompanied the sticker said, that because Inner Strength Quest Coaching has had so many people requesting information about it’s business listing we have made you a Google Favorite Place on Google Maps. So I thought maybe I should read up on this and see just how much attention I should pay to it. Here is what I found….
First I found some video’s but nothing from Google about why they choose to send me this sticker.
Then I found this article which explained it better. The reality is that all the work I do online for Search Engine Optimization and Social Networking all leads back to the business. Clients talking, seminars being taught, checking in on location based services like Foursquare, Gowalla, BrightKite all are part of my social media marketing foundation.
I was coaching a client this morning and they were worried about how in the beginning it’s slow and there are many doubts and thoughts that come from a fear place. So we honored the feelings and then set goals to forge ahead. Because in business that’s what you do. You’re entitled to those feelings. Then you set them aside and decide what steps will take you closer to your goals. You keep your eye on the prize. Having faith is one thing. Taking action is another. Perseverance because you have faith that the actions you take will result in the outcome you desire is the combination of the two. And it’s that perseverance over time that apparently allowed Google to recognize Inner Strength Quest Coaching as a Favorite Place.