Let the stalking begin. Get ready. I’m on a mission. I plan on getting to know these people. I’ve always said networking is not about how many cards you hand out or collect, it’s about building relationships.
I had such a great time and am so happy I had the ability to stop by the Happy Hour over at Waldo Pizza with some of Kansas City‘s blogging community. I got to meet some people I already follow on twitter and I got to see some people I alreayd knew through the social media group. I have to admit though I’m mad at myself. I know this about myself but I didn’t gear myself up to be social. Most people think I’m a very gregarious and extroverted person and 95% of the time I am. But I know that when I go into a new unfamiliar large group I shut down. So what did I do, you got it. I shut down I interacted with a few people but I didn’t let my true personality shine. My BAD. So now what. Well I plan on attacking this head on.
Tools, collect everyone’s info… Thanks @myspiderweb for collecting informatio
n and being so timely to put it out there. Twitter, blog links.
Per MySpyderWeb
February Happy Hour
Tonight I got to meet a bunch of great people that I hadn’t met before. We had a few of the usual suspects. Here’s the list. I’ve put the Blog name / twitter name.
Average Jane /@average_jane & Hubby Alex
Brainzooming / @Brainzooming / Funny Eye /Aligning Your Life’s Work
bucksommerkamp / @bucksommerkamp
Chuck Franks / @ChuckFranks
The Blog of ClintAndrew Hall / @ClintAndrewHall
Gone Mild
(Jeff)isageek / @jeffisageek
Plaza Jen /@ plazajen
scriptrunner’s posterous /@scriptrunner
Miami FL on the cheap / @teresamears