It’s My Way or The Highway: Being Opinionated

It’s My Way or The Highway: Being Opinionated

Last night a fellow coach who I had not seen in a few years and I were at the #kckiteup event which I co-sponsored.  The discussion turned to business and how each of us were doing, just catching up type stuff.

And then it happened. She said I was very opinionated.

WOW! I was floored. My midwest values started kicking in as I started denying it thinking it was a bad thing. 

Well guess what I am opinonated. Very opionated in fact. The topic was about coaches and certification. I very much believe strongly as I stated and have always stated that and I’ll quote myself, “If your going to hold yourself out as a professional then you should be doing what you can to reach the height of your profession which in coaching means certification through the International Coach Federation(ICF).”

Before we get too far off topic I want to say that I never tell someone how they should run their business. I also never tell anyone what they should do. Sometimes I will offer my opinon as we brain storm together to find the right answer for a client. Sometimes I teach and share information about a topic. But when it comes to my opinion on professionals staying current, being educated and leading their profession. Damn Right! I’m opinonated.

Seth Godin wrote a book called TRIBES and in it he talks about finding your voice and your audience will follow. Leaders don’t wait for someone to tell them what is right they just push forward and do what they know in their heart is right. When I moved from Counseling to Coaching both of which I have certifications or licenses in because I believe it is the basis of the profession I sought out a training program that tailored to professionals who already had a certain level of experience and education. I did this cause I know it was right for me. I helped co-found Kansas City’s ICF Chapter to help local coaches focus on their skills and building their community. I have served proudly on the board as President for two years and now Past President this year. I’m proud of the work we have done here in our local community. I’m proud of the foundation I was able to contriube too in regards to helping the organization come together as a community. I’m proud of my profession.

I speak out now and I own my opinon. I claim it loudly. All coaches should belong to and work toward certification through ICF. Not because I get anything in return, there is no monetary relationship other than me paying my dues yearly, but because I believe it to be the right thing to do. As a professional coach it is what I believe in. And as a coach I help people find their voice and yes their opionon.

So, I say, be opionated. Let me hear your opinion about this blog or about my opinion. Do you think professionals should work to stay educated in their profession? Do you think Coaches should be certified?

Chuck Franks, Proud Opinionated PCC, Professional Certified Coach