Stop hitting your customers and start listening to what they are saying

Stop hitting your customers and start listening to what they are saying

“Uhh, which way do I go, George? Which way do I go?” Do you ever feel like this with your social media? Unsure of which way to overwhelmed by all the different directions you could go..unable to take action at all!
Take a look at this cartoon with your marketing goggles on and then read the rest. The Abominable Snowman represents businesses in social media:



Are you viewing your customers through one eye? Not listening to them when they tell you they are NOT wabbits? Well, STOP IT!

If you’re looking for a wabbit, don’t go in the water. If you’re looking for a duck — by all means — look on or around the water! If you’re looking for customers, look locally — “first.”  Then continue to spread as you build; strategically plan each step of your growth so you’re building loyal customers —  not one-time sales.

Where are your potential customers? My personal focus is helping clients — both small and start-up businesses — get off the ground and grow.  Business needs to start looking at their customer base not just as a list of e-mails or addresses or phone numbers; we need to start thinking in terms of community.

Where is YOUR community? Where are your customers? You got it — they are on, and actively using, social media.

If you need help figuring out “which way to go?” give me a call and we can talk about how you can use social media to reach out to your customers.

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