Social Media: How Small Business Owners Can Attract New Clients and Grow Your Business

Social Media: How Small Business Owners Can Attract New Clients and Grow Your Business

Communiversity Class at University of Missouri-Kansas City


Social Media: How Small Business Owners Can Attract New Clients and Grow Your Business

Come learn what business owners and entrepreneurs are doing to attract new clients. The new rules of marketing have made it easier for small businesses to compete with large corporations. We will cover the latest in social media, shifts in marketing strategies, SEO, Facebook, Linked-in, YouTube, Twitter, blogging and some things you haven’t even heard of yet. Come learn how to easily grow your business.

Two sections to choose from read on for details.


Convener: Chuck Franks
Class Fee: $9
Number of Sessions: 1
Meets: 6/15/2010; 8:00:00 AM – 10:00:00 AM
Royall Hall, Rm. 205
52nd St, between Rockhill & Holmes, UMKC Campus, KCMO

Limit: 30

Convener: Chuck Franks
Class Fee: $9
Number of Sessions: 1
Meets: 6/16/2010; 7:00:00 PM – 9:00:00 PM
Haag Hall, Rm. 109
52nd & Rockhill, UMKC Campus, KCMO

Limit: 30


Register here:Communiversity sign up