Making Decisions: Who do you trust when it comes to your business?

Making Decisions: Who do you trust when it comes to your business?

I’ve been getting asked more and more to step into an advisory or consultative role by some business owners.  I’m getting more comfortable in doing that because my clients value the approach that I can weave into their coaching an advisory role. The reason I am moving in this direction is that I’m seeing clients say one thing and then when they go out and try to make it happen they get caught up by someones flashy marketing and end up not getting what they need. I’ve been helping clients choose developers who will not take advantage of them and who will also deliver on what it is the client needs. Not what is easiest for the developer to push out.  Sometimes that means challenging the developer to learn something new for this client.

Here is an article which does a great job of explaining just such an experience.

The Juice Behind Your Website

The content management system–the powerful, behind-the-scenes operator–can make or break your site. Here’s how to choose the right one.
By Erin Weinger 


When clients hire me; we talk about what exactly are they looking for? What is the goal.  Many people think they want to blog however don’t have a proven track record of doing so. So we build in exercises for them to practice before they pay someone to build a blog for them. Some go on to be great bloggers, some realize that is not their strength or passion and we come up with a different path for them to achieve their goals.

Figure out what you want and need. Then find someone to build it for you. Don’t look for someone who does the same thing for every client they have. There is nothing unique or remarkable about that.

Bottom Line: If you’re not REMARKABLE you’re not doing it right.  People hire me so that they can be REMARKABLE and stand out in a crowd. Cause if your not…

I love to challenge people to be bigger, bolder and more present and authentic through coaching. Yesterday I was having a conversation with a web developer and we were discussing his business and how he was helping his clients.  We started discussing how paying someone for a template site really was a waste of money. But most business owners don’t understand or have the knowledge to know when they are talking to a web developer what exactly they need. I was sharing that part of my coaching style has leanings of consultation. (Although I try to be very clear with clients when I’m putting my consulting hat on and when I’m taking it off)

From a teaching standpoint I think it’s important to give people as much information as they can handle. What they do with it is up to them. So when I’m teaching and working with small business owners one of the questions I ask is what is it your trying to achieve? What is the goal? I then ask, Why?  Why is that your goal?  This article does a great job of giving and example of how someone sold something to someone who didn’t understand it and couldn’t use it. Many of my clients think that ranking high on google is the end all be all. When in reality it’s just part of a marketing strategy. If you aren’t search-able and findable then your not hire-able. So I do a lot behind the scenes to make sure that I rank highly on google. Why cause I want to be considered. I’m not the right coach for every client. But I sure want to make it to the final round of interviews. I often refer potential clients to someone else who might better serve them. Why because if I can’t deliver on helping a client then I don’t want to promise too. Any of my clients will tell you that working with me is never about the money. It’s always about the relationship and the goals we are working on together.


Marketing Consultants: Ushering Small Businesses to Bigger Succes

by Joanne De Leon  Full Article

“a marketing consultant endows with an objective mindset that is much-needed in order to impose changes that will stir the marketing arm towards the better course, and he does it with a fresh third person viewpoint. It is hard for business owners to think out of the box especially when they are so into the box, whereas marketing consultants doesn’t have the attachments towards previous strategies, current problems, relationship with co-workers or subordinates that could blur his perspectives. This also, brings a marketing consultant in the position to teach the marketing manager and the staff and make orders to bring about better changes.” 

I’m teaching classes and running groups so please look for them and sign up if your interested. Feel free to connect with me in whatever way your most comfortable @ChuckFranks

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