Kansas City’s Face of Social Media

Kansas City’s Face of Social Media

Jeff Smith better known around town and on “the google” as JeffisaGeek. He can be found at JeffisaGeek. He and a group of others started the Kansas City Social media club and within a year they have close to 600 members. He is a little better known than some of the others involved with this group since he was the one who set up and moderates the Ning site for Kansas City Social Media.I have been kind of criticizing people who call themselves social media experts lately for several reasons. One, when  a subject is new and evolving are there really experts?  A better term might be experienced user. However, while getting ready to interview Jeff for this post I decided to do a Google search on him. He basically owns JeffisaGeek on the internet. Which is exactly what businesses and brands are striving to do. They want to be at the top of Google. Well I had to go all the way to page 8 to find someone else and that even included him as a post on that guy’s blog.[img_assist|nid=198|title=Jeff is a Geek|desc=|link=popup|align=center|width=380|height=336]Jeff is a fairly quite guy in person. I’ve been observing him for a while now which is very typical of how I learn who it is that I decide to trust. For me it’s never about who is the flashiest presentation or personality, it is more about who has the calm demeanor that comes from knowledge. Jeff has that. I never see him telling anyone anything or acting like a know it all.  We basically just got to know each other better during this interview which was pretty cool for me. Jeff’s main goal with his use of social media is to be authentic and to share things with others that can help them or make them laugh or just touch them in some way. He sees social media as great way to meet new people. What, shut up you mean really just being social not selling me something. I know, right. But really he is all about just being a laid back kind of guy who wants to be helpful to others and to follow his passion which is to geek out about social media stuff.  He really likes finding services or tools that makes using social media easier to use and simplier. He thinks more companies need to embrace social media and not be afraid of it.  Here is Jeff’s intro to his blog.His about page on his blog is a video at Jeffisageek tv just cause he decided to be different.You can find out more about Jeff and his wife Allison on his website. Check him out. He’s a nice guy.  Maybe you’ll learn something along the way.If you have stories about how Jeff or Social Media club has helped you please feel free to share a comment.