Who should you follow on twitter when your looking for a job? Better yet why should you follow someone on twitter?How to use social media to help you find a job. I recommend @alisondoyle on twitter. She writes and talks about job search so if your unemployed or even looking for a job even though you already have one but want to keep up with all the new ways to further your career. I suggest you follow her.You can find one of her articles she wrote about looking at a specific companies website rather than relying on monster.com or careerbuilder.com herehttp://jobsearch.about.com/od/companyresearch/a/companywebsite.htmCompanies are getting smart about they way they are going about advertising jobs. So you have to keep up and be smart along with them. Don’t only rely on the old methods of waiting for a job to be posted and sending in your resume. Think about how you can make yourself stand out in a crowd, or in this case a stack of resumes all wanting employment. Start using resources like facebook and other social media sites to help network to get the word out to everyone you know that your looking and need help with leads.Feel free to contact me with your questions about how to use social media to help you find a job.Chuck Franks, PCCBusiness Relationship Coachwww.innerstrengthquest.com
Go directly to the source, Company websites for job postings
- Get in the game.
- Using Facebook to find a job