How to find the RIGHT coach for you:
Coaches come from a variety of backgrounds — psychology, business, education — and specialize in everything from finance to personal relationships.
To find the right coach for your needs, Chuck Franks, MA, PCC, LCSW, Counselor and Executive Life Coach for over 20 years, recommends interviewing a few coaches before hiring one.
“Coaching is a two-way co-creative process and needs to be a good fit. It is important for both the coach and the client to be confident and comfortable in the relationship for it to be successful,” states Chuck Franks, Certified Professional Coach.
He recommends the following:
- Interview several coaches. Introductory sessions are usually given for free.
- Look for stylistic similarities and differences to help you determine your compatibility.
- Ask questions about their typical time frame of coaching, their specific coach training, their experience as a coach, the number of individuals, organizations and situations they worked with as well as the number of years in the field.
- Get referrals from previous clients or ask for examples of how the coach has helped other clients reach their goals.
- Find out what specific expertise or specialized skills the coach would bring to the relationship.
“The idea is you want to find someone you can bond with and build a partnership, someone with whom you can easily relate,” says Franks.
Currently there are no state licensing requirements for coaches. It is very important you choose a coach with coach specific training. “I already had a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology and a License in Clinical Social Work however when I transitioned into coaching I found a great coach training program to get some post graduate training.” said Chuck Franks “The College of Executive Coaching is where I finished 128 hour coach specific training program. The program is owned and ran by Dr. Jeff Auerbach.”
“Your personal and financial accomplishments spring from a focused, planned, intentional life — which coaching helps deliver.“-Dr. Jeffrey E. Auerbach, President
Daniel Martinage a past executive director of International Coach Federation(ICF) was quoted “Coaching is like a lot of other professions, it’s up to the individual or group hiring the coach to look into their credentials.” The ICF organization credentials coaches and accredits coach training programs. International Coach Federation web site
Martinage also said “Find out whether and where the coach received training and how many hours of experience they have coaching. Take the time to find the right person for your needs. You want to be clear about what you’re looking for and be sure the person you hire fits your bill.”
Contact Chuck Franks for a free consultation about coaching services. My website with e-mail and phone number.
I’m also the President and one of the founding members of Kansas City’s International Coach Federation Chapter. Heartland Coaches