46 Stages of Twitter

I got this e-mailed to me today but just had to share it. I think it is a great example of the stages of change that we all go through when learning something new. I wonder what my grandparents thought of that Rock and a roll music those hulagins are playing back in the day? The other day someone said I haven’t experienced a world without Michael Jackson.  There will come a day when your kids think back and can say I’ve never experienced a world without the internet.

46 Stages of Twitter

  1. Hear the word Twitter. Scoff.
  2. Hear it again from someone else. Scoff again.
  3. Hear about famous celebrity who is apparently “On Twitter.”  Scoff, but make mental note to check it out.
  4. Log into Facebook to comfort self.
  5. Sign up for Twitter.
  6. Give up because it seems dumb.
  7. Loudly criticize others on Twitter.
  8. Follow @johncmayer, @aplusk, @rainnwilson, @wilw, @mrskutcher, @oprah, and one other person you actually know.
  9. Post tweet that is a variant of: “Trying out this Twitter thing.”
  10. Attempt to dig a little deeper into Twitter.
  11. Notice rampant usage of words: “Tweet,” “Twitter,” “Twitterverse,” “Tweetie,” “Tweetdeck,” and something called “RT.”
  12. Scoff again, this time in confusion.
  13. Tell friends you “tried that Twitter thing, but didn’t get it and it’s stupid anyway.”
  14. Log into Facebook because that site at least makes sense.
  15. Read story about Twitter somewhere.
  16. Log back into Twitter.
  17. Try to avoid saying Tweet, Twitter, Twitterverse, Tweetie, Tweetdeck, and ReTweet.
  18. Respond to @chuckfranks.
  19. Curse self for fanning out.
  20. Log off for 4 months.
  21. Come back, just to see.
  22. Post something relatively funny.
  23. Get RT’d.
  24. Discover that RT means ReTweet.
  25. Make it your life mission to get RT’d.
  26. Install Twitter app on your phone.
  27. No longer ashamed to say “I’ve gotta Twitter that.”
  28. Attend events with the sole intention of “Tweeting” them.
  29. Pray to get RT’d.
  30. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.
  31. Close computer.
  32. Open computer.  Refresh.  Refresh.  Refresh.
  33. Think in 140 character sentences.
  34. Compulsively check phone all day every day.
  35. Tweet that you compulsively check phone all day every day.
  36. Alienate actual people in your life in an attempt to impress ones you don’t know.
  37. Lose weight because you forget to eat.
  38. Place phone by bed so you can check first thing in the morning.
  39. Defend Twitter to the death from detractors.
  40. Hear self, and vaguely recognize that you have become “That Guy.”
  41. Feel like, and start to behave like River Tam.
  42. Vow to quit Twitter to preserve sanity.
  43. Read this and change mind.
  44. Think to self, “I should twitter that.”
  45. Recognize irony.
  46. Twitter it.

Personally I have been using ChuckFranks at BrightKite lately and really loving it but also having growing pains about how to use it.

Stages of Change

Precontemplation is the stage at which there is no intention to change behavior in the foreseeable future. Many individuals in this stage are unaware or underaware of their problems. (This is not where my clients are)

Contemplation is the stage in which people are aware that a problem exists and are seriously thinking about overcoming it but have not yet made a commitment to take action. (This is where my clients start thinking about how to make change happen)

Preparation is a stage that combines intention and behavioral criteria. Individuals in this stage are intending to take action in the next month and have unsuccessfully taken action in the past year. (In coaching sometimes called planning or strategy sessions.)

Action is the stage in which individuals modify their behavior, experiences, or environment in order to overcome their problems. Action involves the most overt behavioral changes and requires considerable commitment of time and energy. (Call to action, implementation of choosen steps)

Maintenance is the stage in which people work to prevent relapse and consolidate the gains attained during action.  (Coaching can help individuals stay focused and in their zone, keeping their successful momentum moving forward.)

What stage are you in? What are your next steps toward your goals?