Are you doing everything you can do to recycle? Some are taking it a step beyond the blue bins you put on your curb each week. Nathan Benjamin is someone who is doing just that. Nathan and his company are recycling/reusing in a big way. Nathan with his company Planet REUSE, can save you money while being green. Now that I have your attention I’ll explain a little about what Nathan is doing and how it not only helps our planet but helps business owners along the way.
First I have to share that at one point when Nathan and I were talking I had to ask him to slow down, that is how excited and energized he is about what he does. I was like hey, I’m trying to take notes here. You can read Planet Reuse Blog at your own pace but I warn you it doesn’t have Nathan’s contagious energy.
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PlanetReuse makes it easier to incorporate reclaimed building material into projects around the world. As a brokering company, they match materials with your need, typically at a 15 to 20 percent savings over new. (Digg that) Their process is streamlined and efficient: they locate and source the materials, test for quality and document for LEED certification. This frees you to focus on what you do best, and helps divert tons of construction materials from landfills. The PlanetReuse objective is simple: save your project money, save your time and save the planet. Founded by an architect and a contractor, the PlanetReuse consultants know your world and speak your language. Like you, they care deeply about responsible and sustainable construction. That’s why making it significantly easier for you to source reclaimed building materials is their mission. And because they work their consultant fee into the material suppliers cost, PlanetReuse is one of few examples where going green saves money. Nathan was nice enough to send me some bullet points since I don’t know shorthand.
- PlanetReuse consultants get involved as early as possible—ideally during the schematic or design development phase—to help determine what reclaimed materials you need. We provide access to an incredible palette of quality materials—from structural steel to reclaimed hardwood flooring—for projects of any size.
- We fill your need from our vast global network of demolition and reclamation contractors, sourcing as close to your project as possible. Without a proprietary stake in who provides the materials, we can offer a wide range of costs and options.
- Then, we do whatever it takes to make the process easy for you: coordinate samples and submittals, certify quality with our ReAssure testing process, and develop specifications for your approval. Once approved, we reserve the materials exclusively for your project. We’ll handle shipping and compile the necessary documentation for LEED submittal.