5 Step Process for Getting Traction for your Website by Starting Local

5 Step Process for Getting Traction for your Website by Starting Local

If you want to start getting traction for your website and business, start local like Kansas City, MO, or Kansas City, KS. Below I explain in simple easy to understand language how to make sure you increase your income in 5 steps.

You could focus on Johnson County or Jackson County. You could even use some zip codes like our zip code is 64114.

I’m personally am big believer in organic search results because otherwise your relying on paying for click (PPC) to be placed on the search page. As soon as you stop paying there goes your placement. Don’t get me wrong there are times and really good uses for PPC campaigns.  But for small business owners who have a very small marketing budget creating content over time that adds to your base and builds your Internet footprint is one of the cheaper and fairly easy things to do. When I say easy I don’t mean set up a website and forget it. You have to strategically think about what your customers need to help them make an informed decision about your product or service and provide that information. Putting a website up with your contact information and a few pretty pictures is not enough.

So lets say your a Roofer who bases his/her business in Lee Summit.

Step one: Own roofing in Lee Summit. As your building that step you can move on to step two but don’t forget the original goal. Hyper local search and customer loyalty plays a huge role in how customers decide on which person to hire. People want to support their neighbors… as long as you are a quality business. Customer service is key in today’s market place.

Step Two: Start planning your content creation with surrounding areas in mind. So from Lee Summit then start working on Blue Springs and Independence.

Step Three: Don’t get caught up in controlling your content. I know of a roofer who thinks because he wrote an article 5 years ago that he plastered his name all over the content you can hardly read it. He also has it as a down-loadable PDF rather than a website with copyrighted content. It isn’t like he is doing something other roofers aren’t, maybe he was 5 years ago but today they all are doing it. So why not use the content to overpower your competitors on the Internet and pull more customers to you.

Step Four: Keep your web presence as a high priority. Being current keeps you on the cutting edge of what everyone is doing and also helps your ranking in searches. Especially if your going to be using social media. If you decide to add social media to your marketing mix. Think of it like adding another phone line. If someone calls your business line; You answer it right? That is how you get a customer. Same with social media; if someone engages you on facebook or twitter you have to “pick up the phone” and answer or engage back. Social media is about a two way communication with your audience. It’s not about putting content out there on a regular basis and just hoping it will bring you customers and build brand loyalty. If you don’t have enough time to add another phone line then don’t add it. But don’t get overwhelmed by a new phone system where you can put someone on hold for a minute and answer another line. Just remember go back and pick up the person on hold and don’t keep them waiting too long.

Step Five:  This is an action step: Go do a search for coaching or coach in Kansas City. If I’m not on the first page as an organic search then feel free to blast me or ignore me or flip me the bird. But if I am then ask yourself this question. Should I think about calling Chuck and hiring him to help me with my Internet presence. How can he help me gain more customers and increase my income? Always keep an eye on your competitors and your own ranking.

Below are links from www.hellokansascity.com on a google search. If you click on them they will take you to their site and show you a map of that section of Kansas City. They had the first organic SEO placement slot. Kudos to them.  I coach in all these areas and welcome your calls on how to improve your business. I also teach classes and do group coaching for small business owners who want to stay a head of their competitors. Feel free to check out my upcoming classes

Navigating the Internet for Small Business owners

Social Media: How Small Business Owners can Attract New Clients and Grow your Business

and or contact me about individual or group coaching for small business owners.

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